The Babylon Gardens were built by Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 Bc. He built the gardens to please his homesick wife who longed for the trees and fragant plants of her homeland. They are sometimes called the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis, in reference to the legendary Queen Semiramis.The gardens average about 400 feet wide by 400 feet long and More Than 80 feet high. mistranslation of the Greek kremastos that led to the current name "Hanging Gardens of Babylon" the correct word is balconies.
The Ruins of wonder are located in Al hillah, Babil, in Iraq, you can take a plane to the capital Bagdad. The ruins are located at 92.4 Km from the capital, you can get there by bus or car.
At Present the wonder doesn't exist was destroyed by several earthquakes after the 2nd century Bc, all that remains are the ruins of Babylon.